Ordering... Shareware fee The shareware fee for Address Book version 3 is $30 U.S. or $40 Canadian; registered users will be mailed a disk with the latest version, utilities and a 97 page instruction manual. Site Licence If you plan to use several copies on different computers, please include $5 U.S. ($6 Canadian) for each computer. We will send you a master disk, so you can install a copy of Address Book onto the hard drive of each computer you register. You may want. . . Extra manuals $5 U.S. ($6 Canadian) each. Upgrades Address Book is regularly updated with bug fixes and new features. New versions are uploaded to Compuserve, America Online, and eWorld, and may also be found on Internet. If you don't have an online account, or wish to order the latest version on disk with an updated manual, you can get it from us for $10 U.S. ($12 Canadian). If you previously registered version 1.x for $10, the upgrade fee is $20; if you are a registered user of version 2.x, the upgrade fee is $15. We'll send you the latest version on disk, utilities, and the manual. Send registration fees, orders, and queries to: Pegasus Software Address Book Registration & Technical Support 43 Parade Square Scarborough, Ontario M1C 3T5, CANADA Phone: (416) 724-2971; or Fax (416) 724-5463 CIS: 75551,1055; AOL: PegasusSof; eWorld: VictorK Internet: pegasus@astral.magic.ca By Mail: Cash (U.S. or Canadian funds only), or a check drawn on a U.S. or Canadian bank, or an international money order in U.S. or Canadian currency. (If you send a money order through the post office, please send us your name and address separately—the post office stub only includes name and country). Use the order form on the next page, then print out an envelope from Address Book: press the Help key, then click on the Register button at the bottom of the Help dialog box. By Phone, Fax, or email: We accept VISA. Online: You can register Address Book on Compuserve's Shareware Registration Database: Registration ID 3674. (GO SWREG). ____________________________________________________ Please allow 2-3 weeks for mail delivery. We can ship by courier if you need it sooner.